Friday 8 May 2020

School Closure Blog Post #24

Bord na Móna: A Window to Our Past and a Vision to Our Future.

here  about Bord na Móna's 80 Year History in the Midlands.
Learn about all aspects of the bogs, from their ancient history to their wildlife and the different types of bogs found in Ireland. An excellent website.

Creative Activities for young children using a tablet.

Click here to explore 30 fun and creative activities you can do using an iPad or tablet equivalent. Instructions for each activity are included.
These activities are adaptable for all ages. Though the suggestions are specific to Apple, all tablets have equivalent apps which can be found online.

Story time for young children

Click here to hear this much-loved classic story.

Non-Screen Activities

As a follow up to Blog Post #20, here are 25 more activities you can do at home.