Sunday 26 April 2020

School Closure Blog Post #16

Dear Parents, hope you are all safe and well as we head into another week of homeschooling. This arrangement is in place until May 5th and we expect another announcement around that time so when we post our next list of work, we may have a better idea of how long this will last.

You can find the new work for all classes here. All teachers stress that this work is there to help you keep an element of routine in your days but please do not feel under pressure to complete it.

You can find your child's teacher's email address here

Active School Week 

This week would usually be Active School Week but this year because of Covid-19 it is not possible for this to go ahead so we are asking you to participate  in the Active HOME Week  challenge instead.  
You can draw out the Challenge charts in your copy and fill in the slots as you complete each activity.

Teachers have given suggestions but here are two links we posted previously which will help you get in your 60 minutes of physical activity every day

The Body Coach - Joe Wicks has a live workout on his YouTube channel every weekday at 9 am. 

GoNoodle - this website has a range of movement video routines to keep children active every day. 

For other ideas, see the Active choice board underneath the classwork pages.

Story time for young children

 Watch and listen to Michael Rosen author of the book, performing We're going on a Bear Hunt here 

Daily Activities 3rd to 6th


Primary Planet