Thursday 23 April 2020

School Closure Blog Post #14

First Communion and Confirmation

A number of parents of second and sixth class pupils have been in touch wondering about the this year's Sacraments.
We know that there will be no gatherings until at least May 5th and we expect another Government announcement at that stage.
Bishop Denis has said that as soon as restrictions are lifted, the diocese will immediately resume planning for these celebrations so we'll have to wait.

Fun activities

Newsmagmedia has put together daily plans of activities for both Primary Planet and News Flash readers..quizzes, mental maths challenges etc.

Third and fourth classes can access daily activities on News Flash here

Fifth and Sixth class classes can access daily activities on Primary Planet here

 Here you can read Primary Planet and News Flash magazines online.

Covid-19 Memories

You can make a Time Capsule to remember this historic time of Covid 19.
There are some nice ideas here. You can take your time doing them and it might be nice to put them in a scrapbook.

Design your dream GAA Jersey

Read here about how you can win a GAA jersey designed by you! 
Open to adults too!!